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Meeting Minutes





November 19th, 2024

7:00 P.M.


Members in attendance: Mark Ebnet, Pam Benoit, Esther Ebnet, Cynthia Abraham, with Steve Simones attending via phone


1. Call to Order


2.  Pledge of Allegiance


3. Steve Simones made a motion to approve the agenda with following additions.New Business: MATTIT Insurance for township, Sauk Rapids Resolution, Solar Farms Road Route. Second by Pam Benoit.  Motion carried.


4. Pam Benoit made a motion to approve the minutes from October 08, 2024.  Second by Mark Ebnet. Steve Simones abstained. Motion carried.


5. Pam Benoit, made a motion to approve the claims as submitted Second by Mark Ebnet, Steve Simones abstained. Motion carried.


6. Pam Benoit made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report as submitted and displayed on the screen. Second by Mark Ebnet, Steve Simones abstained. Motion Carried.  Disbursements; monthly claims $27,384.19 payroll $3,234.07 total Disbursements $30,618.26. Income; F&M bank $67.13 for checking interest, state of Minnesota $269.96 for OSI Fines, Compeer Financial, $40.00 Assessment search. Total Income $377.09 Cash on hand: Check Book Balance $314,313.68 CD’s $676,286.74 Total cash on hand $990,600.42


7. Wayne Kulzer had question about the fire call bill that he received and the board explained to him that if the fire department was dispatched there really isn’t anything that can be done to dispute the charges. Kevin also explained to the board that the city of Sauk Rapids is not sending out the bills in a timely manner again.  


8.  Mark Ebnet made a motion approve the resolution # 11192024-A for assessment on the property located at 1675 Golden Spike Road for cleanup of this property in the amount of $6,531.50. Second by Pam Benoit, with Steve Simone’s in favor via phone. Motion carried.


9. Board discussed the MATTIT insurance policy and determined that this should be discuss at the special meeting.


10. Custom Surfacing presented the board with a quote for the snow removal for the 2024-2025 year. Quote as follows: Truck with wing & plow at $110.00 per hour, Blade with wing $110.00 per hour, Pick-up with plow $70.00 per hour, 3 to wheel loader $125.00 per hour, salt add (30% salt) $80.00 per ton. In addition to the hourly rate there will be a monthly charge of $1,000.00 for December, January, February & March. This is to cover cost for preparation to plow but then no snow.  After some discussion on this, Steve Simones made a motion to approve this quote for 1 year, with the caveat that changes would be made if Randy became unable to fulfill the contract. Randy agreed with this.   Second by Pam Benoit.  Motion carried


11. Pam Benoits last meeting for the township will be the December 10th meeting. The board discussed with Bruce Bonebright the possibility of him filling in for the Balance of her term. He stated that he would be available to do that, nothing further has been decided at this time.


12. A special meeting date was set for November 26, 2024 at 7:00pm to discuss the Orderly Annexation renewal with the City of Sauk Rapids, the insurance from MATTIT for the township, and Road route for the new solar farm.


13. Meeting attended by board members: Steve Simones attended CMWEA, Authored a letter to the Editor, and completed Smart Salt Certification.


14. Pam Benoit made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 pm with second by Steve Simones, Motion carried.





December 2nd, 2024

7:00 pm


Members in attendance: Mark Ebnet, Pam Benoit, Steve Simones, Esther Ebnet and Cynthia Abraham


  1. Call to order

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

  3. The board did a line by line review of the expiring Orderly annexation agreement with the City of Sauk Rapids and Minden Townships and the proposed new agreement and went over things that were different.

  4. Discussion with township residents concerning the renewal of the orderly annexation with City of Sauk Rapids.                

      A.) Some of the concerns voiced by residents include the lack of agreement between the City of Sauk Rapids and the county                       concerning use of properties in the orderly annexation areas. 

      B.) The property owner’s ability or lack of ability to divide property in the orderly annexation areas.

      C.) Confusion on rules that need to be followed in the annexation area, (ie. City or County Rules). 

      D.). Application of Ag land building permits, and the issuing entity. 

      E.). Also concerns were voiced about the zoning and subdivision ordinances.

   5. Board discussed the need for a second public hearing on December 10th before the regular meeting of the township board.                      Supervisors agreed.

   6. After these items were addressed Steve Simones agrees to bring the discrepancies to the Township attorney Troy Gilchrist, so it can         be discussed at the next public hearing    on December 10, 2024, at 6:30pm.

    7.  Steve Simones made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:45 with second by Mark Ebnet. Motion carried.





November 26th, 2024

7:00 pm


Members in attendance: Mark Ebnet, Pam Benoit, Steve Simones, Esther Ebnet and Cynthia Abraham


  1. Call to Order

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Board discussed the township Insurance for the Township and discussed what information will need to be reported, and how to do this on-line.

  4. Board conducted a work session to go over the information received from Benton Solar LLC.

  5. Pam Benoit made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:45 with a second by Steve Simones.  Motion carried.




MARCH 12, 2023

8:05 PM


The election was held on March 14, 2023 from 2:00 pm until 8:pm with the annual meeting following. The election results are as follows.  Pam Benoit-Supervisor for 2 year term with 28 votes with no write in votes. Esther Ebnet 2 year term for Treasurer with 28 votes with no write in words.  The question on the ballot sets allow. For the appointment of the Clerk and Treasurers positions to be appointed failed with the vote being 17 for and 18 against. The board of canvas certified votes as counted.


1.  The annual meeting was called to order by Clerk Cynthia Abraham.

2.  Pledge of Allegiance

3.  Mark Ebnet nominated Adam Scapanski to serve as moderator for the meeting. With a second by Dan Starry, with no other          nonmiations the motion passed.

4.  Steve Simones made a addition to the agenda for a MS4 report.

5.  Last year’s meeting minutes were read to all in attendance and a motion was made by Dan Starry to approve the minutes as       read, with a second by Mark Ebnet.  Robert Stoltman did give the correct spelling on his last name as Stoltman. With no             opposition motion carried.

6.  Esther Ebnet gave the treasurers report with Explanation to those in attendance. (Copies were available for those in                    attendance to follow along). A motion was made by Steve Simones to approve this report as submitted (copy of report              attached), Dan Starry seconded this motion. With no opposition motion carried.

7.  Steve Simone’s gave a report on the township roads and explained that the work that was supposed to be done will in fact         be completed the spring, and also explained that because it was not possible to get completed last fall the pot holes were           filled at no cost to get through the winter and the contracted price will be honored.

8.  Steve Simones gave a report on MS4 and new regulations for this programs.

9.  Steve Simones discussed with the audience the board’s suggestions for the General fund, Road and Bridge Fund and the Fire       Fund.

10.  The board discussed with those in in attendance the Board Suggestions for the general fund. A motion was made by Steve          Simmons to approve general fund suggestion of $68,000.00 with a second by Robert Stoltman. With no opposition this              motion carried.

11.  The board discussed with those in attendance the board’s suggestions for the road and bridge fund. A motion was made by         Dan Starry to approve the road and bridge suggestion of $200,000.00 with a second by Esther Ebnet. With no opposition

     this motion carried.

12.  The board discussed with those in attendance the board’s suggestions for the fire fund. A motion was made by Robert                Stoltman to approve the fire fund suggestions of $60,000.00 with a second by Steve Simmons with no opposition this              motion carried.

13.  Robert Ebnet made a motion to keep the posting of legally required notices to the same with them being, Sauk Rapids                Herald, Benton County News, Township Board, and the township’s web page. The motion was seconded by Dan Starry. With        no opposition this motion carried.

14.  A motion was made by Trevor McConnell to have no donations given this year. Mike Ebnet seconded this motion. With no            opposition motion carried.

15.   Moderator Adams Scapanski opened the floor for any discussions from the group, with there being none.

16.  Next town ship election will be held on March 12, 2024.

      Dan Starry made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:30 with a second by Steve Simones. With no opposition motion carried.

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